Monday, May 18, 2020

Racism, Ethnicity, And Age - 918 Words

Have you ever been stereotyped? In most cases, the answer would be yes. The thing is, we are all guilty of it. At one point or another, we’ve stereotyped another person we have seen or know. A stereotype is defined as making a generalization of a group of people based on the actions of a few. People will generalize you based on your race, religion, ethnicity, and age. Stereotyping someone based of their race is what people seem to do most. I see it a lot in my own community. African Americans in general are stereotyped to be uneducated, poor, and criminals. While there are many who fit the stereotype, there are many that rose above and are outstanding citizens. Being an African American, I’ve been the victim of stereotyping for as long as I can rmember. I remember being one of six fifth graders chosen to respresent Alabama and a young leaders conference in Washongton D.C. I was blown away at the opportunity. I would have the opportunity to visit the White House, the Smithsonian, and many historical monuments. One the first day of the conference, I took my assigned seat next to a white family who was dropping off their daughter. The mother leaned over to me and she that she would’ve never expected someone from my background to be invited to this type of conference. I felt hurt when she expressed her thoughts to but it wasn’t fo r myself; I felt sorry for her daughter who overheard her mother. I knew her daughter wouldn’t understand that what her mother said was wrongShow MoreRelatedRacial And Ethnic Tensions That Can Affect Our Society1392 Words   |  6 PagesGood Evening Nortcentral High, Have you ever wondered why we discriminate or stereotype other individuals of a particular race, gender, age, or ethnicity? 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