Friday, May 1, 2020

Overview of Abdul Monem Limited free essay sample

Assignment On: An overview of a Bangladeshi Marketing Organization (Abdul Monem Limited) Prepared for: Shahriar Kabir Assistant Professor, IBA (JU) Course Instructor: Marketing Management Prepared by: MD. Zahidul Alam Class ID: 1807 Batch: 19th INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION JAHANGIRNAGAR UNIVERSITY Date of submission: July 02, 2011 Abdul Monem Ltd (AML) is one of the largest and the most successful corporate houses in Bangladesh maintaining leadership position in all their business ventures. AML is specialized in the construction of highways, bridges, buildings, airports and electric transmission line. They successfully completed projects over 30 years financed by foreign agencies like ADB, WB, JBIC and GoB. AML is the authorized bottler for the Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite. AML manufactures Igloo ice-cream, a pioneer in ice cream industries in Bangladesh. Started as a Construction Contractor in 1956 and later diversified to food sector Abdul Monem Limited proudly represents brands like Coca-Cola, Igloo, AmoMilk and Danone that are the milestones to our quest to provide the best and quality products to our thousands consumers. Year of Establishment: 1956 Business Line: †¢Construction Contractors for the Roads Highways, Bridges Culverts, Highrise Buildings, Factory Buildings, Flood Embankment, Hydraulic Structures, Operation Maintenance Toll collection. †¢Bottler of Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Sunfill Mango Juice Kinley Drinking Water. †¢Manufacturer of Igloo ice cream, Manufacturer of AmoMilk liquid pasteurized milk. †¢Manufacture of Igloo Ghee. †¢Trading Distributing product of Danone Brands. †¢Abdul Monem Foundation †¢Aml Trading Distribution Unit †¢Igloo Foods Ltd. †¢Abdul Monem Sugar Refinery Limited Group turnover: BDT 400 Crore. Group Management: Mr. Abdul Monem is the founder of the Company and empowered CEO of the Group. A Civil Engineer by profession Mr. Abdul Monem masterminded the whole Group and its expansion and diversification to this venture. His descendants Mr. A. S. M. Mainuddin Monem a Business Graduate from Harvard Business School, USA, and Mr. A. S. M Mohiuddin Monem an Industrial Engineer from North Eastern University, USA are the key management people and responsible for the Finance, Administration and Operational activities of the Group. Mission and Vision: The mission of Abdul Monem Limited is to build a business venture committed to achieve the highest quality of products and services for the betterment of the society. This includes dedication to enhancing the existing operation, exploration and creation of newer profitable ventures with full respect for the wisdom and ethics of true and transparent business practice as well as development of personal and institutional professional leadership. AML aims at providing the society, significant new capabilities for successful careers to all. Overview: Since inception the company has gone a long way. Abdul Monem Limited is the flagship company of itself. Driven with the mission statement the company gradually increased its activities over the years. During its journey the company has faced a lot of difficulties but with the strong management approach the company managed to survive. Generating more revenue was not the only concern of AML. The motto was to build a dream as described in the mission statement. Abdul Monem Limited started the business line as the infrastructure development contractor. Over the decades Abdul Monem Limited has successfully accomplished many projects including projects aided by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Japan Bank for International Cooperation and Islamic Development Bank. In recognition to our commitment for work excellence we have been able to initiate projects in joint ventures and receive many rewards for the achievements. To achieve the end destination AML has diversified itself and these diversified activities allowed the company to come close to the people and involved in many development activities. Some of these activities are given below: AML Contribution at Nation Building: The company has contributed a lot in nation building since its inception. These includes Construction Contractors for the Roads Highways, Bridges Culverts, High-rise Buildings, Factory Buildings, Flood Embankment, Hydraulic Structures, Operation Maintenance Toll collection, establishment of educational institutions, religious infrastructure and micro credit operation. Most of these activities directly contributed in building the nation and some of these indirectly helped the country by developing the education level, poverty elevation, capacity building and infrastructure development. Development of roads and highways, bridges culverts, flood embankment helped the country in building the infrastructure and communication system while high rise buildings and factories helped people of this country in generating employment. Those in the end contributed a lot in developing the nation. Contribution to GDP: According the World Bank report last year GDP was (US$ billions) 62 where AML turn over was BDT 400 crore. These are the direct contribution. But the company has opened many windows in the economy to increase the GDP. Developed infrastructure is playing a significant role in Bangladesh economy. As communication became easy people from rural places can get the modern facility of easily. With the help of modern machine and technology our GDP has increased significantly over the years. Employment opportunity: About 10000 people are directly working in AML in various projects and companies. And the company has opened many windows in public and private sector to employ thousands. With the micro credit operation AML is motivating under privileged people in developing various labour oriented projects, small medium enterprises and cottage industry which can generate more employment opportunity in the rural areas. Micro credit operation: In recent years AML has introduced micro credit operation to remove poverty. AML has made the credit facility so simple that one can easily take loan without much hassle and without mortgage or collateral. AML is not finishing the job after the loan disbursement; it makes sure that the borrower can make the most of the loan. That’s why AML provide sufficient training on various projects. The objective is to build the strength of under privileged people to face poverty. AML believes in teaching the technique, â€Å"how to catch a fish† rather than providing the fish. AML is running the micro credit operation in B. Baria as a pilot project. After the successful implementation AML has plan of replicating the project throughout the whole country. Other than the above mentioned activities AML is working closely with the government in many issues like disaster removal, removal of national calamity etc. Contribution to national calamity: AML has always expanded its hands in facing the national calamity. Whenever the nation faced any natural disaster, flood or any other calamity AML got itself involved in the relief activity. AML has distributed Relief among the flood affected people in the year 1988, 1998, 2001 and 2007. This year AML has distributed the relief to cover the most affected people. Moreover 52 Lac liter drinking water was distributed among the affected people this year. These were highly appreciated by different media. Disaster removal activities: AML was never far away from participation in national emergency as it has participated in rescue operation in the Army Salvage Operation in the Building collapse of Spectra Garments. All recovery equipments were provided by Abdul Monem Ltd. in 2005. Corporate Social Responsibilities: AML was never far away from people. Throughout its journey it has engaged itself in many activities that helped people. As a part of these activities AML has opened a new wing named Abdul Monem Foundation at Brahman Baria which is working closely with the people to remove food for the poor people. School, College and Madrasha are successfully running under this Foundation where the students get free study. One orphanage is also running under the banner of AM Foundation where about 3000 orphans are being taken care of. poverty, develop infrastructure, capacity building, increase the level of education and ensure. AML’s ORGANOGRAM:

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