Thursday, January 2, 2020

Diversity Within The Workplace How Minorities And Women...

Diversity in the workplace has always been an interesting topic to explore. When studying the topic, one is able to see how minorities and women do not get the same job opportunities at career growth as non-minorities. The lack of diversity in the workplace can definitely keep a company from reaching its full potential. Our guest speaker Patrick McKay explored different topics dealing with diversity in the workplace that shed light on why trying to diversify the workplace occasionally fails. McKay also mentioned how it is important to be mindful of the location you choose to live when beginning your career. In the article Doing Diversity Right, Derek R. Avery and Patrick F. McKay explain how â€Å"managing diversity† in the workplace is vital in today’s workplace. Over the years there has been a greater emphasis put on insuring diversity within the workplace. McKay and Avery explain the importance of creating a diverse environment in which companies promote. It is not enough to solely recruit minorities or women but also the environment of the workplace must allow the individuals to thrive. In the article Warning! Diversity recruitment could Backfire, Patrick McKay and Derek Avery explain how companies should implement diversity into their company programs. Having a company culture that embraces diversity is the key to successfully diversifying a company. A lot of times employees are attracted to companies that promote a diversified workplace but when they begin to work, theShow MoreRelatedThe Glass Ceiling: Recognizing Its Existence and Identifying Solutions1988 Words   |  8 Pages Paper Outline 3 Introduction 4 Women and Minorities 5 Recognizing the Problem 6 HR Planning 7 Succession Planning and Training 8 Performance Management 9 Mentoring 9 Conclusion 10 References 12 Research Paper Outline Title Page Paper Outline Introduction Define Glass Ceiling State Thesis Women and Minorities Disadvantages Recognizing the Problem Solutions HRRead MoreInternal Structural Barriers And Training Required For Senior Management Advancement3320 Words   |  14 Pageswhere some women are faced with challenges that impede their ability to receive the proper education and training required for senior management advancement. †¢ Internal Structural Barriers - In this process the recruitment/outreach programs are not openly seeking minorities to be place in these senior management roles. 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