Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Parents And Children Should Not Have Vaccinations

Some critics believe parents and children should not have vaccinations. There’s still a debate going on because the medical community does not agree. Healthcare professionals believes everyone should be vaccinated and it is very important. They believe vaccinations protect you when traveling, prevent childhood illnesses, it’s painless, and you take it once and you are protected for life (Pros and Cons, 2015). These diseases from other countries can be brought back into the United States and cause an outbreak of diseases. Other people believe vaccinations are 90%-95% effective, but there is still 5% that can still come in contact with the disease (Pros and Cons, 2015). They think it doesn’t capture the illness and immunity lasts longer if created by natural circumstances (Pros and Cons, 2015). Some schools require certain vaccinations to be taken before starting to school. Fourteen studies have been conducted by Amanda Peet, a vaccine manufacturer, and she believe s there is no association between autism and vaccines. No real studies have ever been done but medical professions believe this is fake (Peet, n.d). Whether or not a parent cannot pay for vaccinations is no problem. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) distributes vaccines to state health departments and other local agencies. These agencies distribute them to private-physicians’ offices, at no charge to those receiving vaccines (Vaccines for Children, 2014). The Childhood Immunization Support Program (CISP) hasShow MoreRelatedVaccinations Should Be Mandatory For Children1633 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout the years, there have been many serious diseases that plagued the world, a number of which have been eradicated through the widespread administration of vaccinations. 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Officials all agree that vaccinations will benefit the population. Some parents feel it is an infringement on the right to keep the children healthy and safe. Vaccinations should be mandatory for all children because it will prevent diseases from spreading, protect future generations, and save children and parents time and money. Childhood vaccinations have not beenRead MoreVaccinations, Do They Protect Or Are They Harmful?904 Words   |  4 PagesTo Vaccinate, or not to Vaccinate Vaccinations, do they protect or are they harmful? This is a question that every parent ponders when it is time to inject their children with medicines. Since vaccinations first began being administered in 1800s there have been those who protest them and those who stand behind them. It is a parents choice to have their children vaccinated or to opt out of vaccinations. A vaccine or immunization is a dose administered by either injection, orally or sometimes nasallyRead MoreWhy Children Should Be Vaccinated942 Words   |  4 Pagesvaccinate, has been a question many parents in America have been asking themselves for years. Some parents believe that it is their right to decide if their children will be vaccinated; while some states believe that all children should be vaccinated. There are logical and illogical reasons for this argument. There should be a federal law that requires parents to vaccinate their children because it will lower the number of deaths, benefit those children who have lower immune systems, and it can getRead MoreShould Vaccinations Be Mandatory For Children1358 Words   |  6 PagesShould Vaccinations Be Mandatory For Children in the United States? In the United States, the law states that vaccinations are required for children entering school unless they have a valid reason that prevents them from receiving the vaccinations. Starting when children are born, they begin the regimen of vaccinations that continue throughout their adolescent years and adulthood. Each year children receive a variation of shots to protect them from the illnesses they will encounter in the world

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