Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Parents And Children Should Not Have Vaccinations

Some critics believe parents and children should not have vaccinations. There’s still a debate going on because the medical community does not agree. Healthcare professionals believes everyone should be vaccinated and it is very important. They believe vaccinations protect you when traveling, prevent childhood illnesses, it’s painless, and you take it once and you are protected for life (Pros and Cons, 2015). These diseases from other countries can be brought back into the United States and cause an outbreak of diseases. Other people believe vaccinations are 90%-95% effective, but there is still 5% that can still come in contact with the disease (Pros and Cons, 2015). They think it doesn’t capture the illness and immunity lasts longer if created by natural circumstances (Pros and Cons, 2015). Some schools require certain vaccinations to be taken before starting to school. Fourteen studies have been conducted by Amanda Peet, a vaccine manufacturer, and she believe s there is no association between autism and vaccines. No real studies have ever been done but medical professions believe this is fake (Peet, n.d). Whether or not a parent cannot pay for vaccinations is no problem. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) distributes vaccines to state health departments and other local agencies. These agencies distribute them to private-physicians’ offices, at no charge to those receiving vaccines (Vaccines for Children, 2014). The Childhood Immunization Support Program (CISP) hasShow MoreRelatedVaccinations Should Be Mandatory For Children1633 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout the years, there have been many serious diseases that plagued the world, a number of which have been eradicated through the widespread administration of vaccinations. In the 1950s, the number of polio cases in the United States was at 58,000, and in 1988, this disease had affected 350,000 people (11 Facts About Polio). Because polio mainly affects children under the age of five, it became very important to parents that something was done to cure and protect their children. When the polio vaccineRead MoreVaccinations And How Vaccines Protect Us All By Harrison Wein And Beliefs About Childhood Vaccinations1428 Words   |  6 Pageswhat can help one to remain healthy, vaccinations come to mind. Vaccinations, to many people, are a necessity to remain healthy. I know when I was younger I hated to get a shot, but when I think about it today I am glad my parents made me get them. My mother was a nurse, so she knew the importance of vaccinations. Unfortunately, in todays’ society some parents think vaccinations can be more harmful then helpful, therefore refusing to vaccinate their children. The articles â€Å"How Vaccines Protect UsRead MoreCompulsory Vaccinations And The Public Health Intervention Essay1324 Words   |  6 Pagescontroversy is when it comes to compulsory vaccinations, the public health intervention will always have negative or ha rmful effects in combination with the benefits of compulsory vaccinations. For those that stand behind the argument that immunizations are unnecessary in our children, have argued that the vaccine industry has misrepresented the safety of vaccines. They also have argued that they have covered up information regarding certain vaccinations to gain from the financial standard. In orderRead MoreThe First Vaccination For Smallpox Essay1324 Words   |  6 PagesThe first vaccination for smallpox was discovered in 1796 by Edward Jenner; since then there have been arguments over the morality, ethics, effectiveness, and safety of all vaccinations. A vaccination is a killed or weakened organism that is used to create immunity that protects you from a particular disease without causing the suffering from the disease itself. Immunizations have saved more than a billon lives and protected civilians in the United States from life threatening diseases. During theRead MoreA Research Study On Unoff icial Vaccination Education Essay1440 Words   |  6 Pages Unofficial Vaccination Education When parents are trying to decide whether to vaccinate their child, they generally research the risks and benefits of vaccination. Johnson and Capdevila stated that in their study, â€Å"The participants stated that they had learned about†¦ vaccinations through media coverage, the Internet, health professionals†¦ and other mothers† (2014.) The media can be seen as friend or foe because they always cover popular controversies; however, it is well known that what mass mediaRead MorePrevention And Prevention Of Immunization1113 Words   |  5 Pagesdiseases that can be deadly especially to young children and infants. The process, as explained by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is referred to as the â€Å"4:3:1:3 series,† which represents the number of dosages of vaccines required to fend off diseases such as mealses, mumps, tetsnus, and many others (â€Å"Immunization†). In recent years there has been a movement mainly empowered by ne w mothers to forgo some or all vaccinations for their children. The following paragraphs will include anRead MoreVaccinations Should Be Mandatory For All Children1311 Words   |  6 Pageschildhood vaccinations have been making an appearance. Health officials are concerned that diseases will spread and lives will be lost. Officials all agree that vaccinations will benefit the population. Some parents feel it is an infringement on the right to keep the children healthy and safe. Vaccinations should be mandatory for all children because it will prevent diseases from spreading, protect future generations, and save children and parents time and money. Childhood vaccinations have not beenRead MoreVaccinations, Do They Protect Or Are They Harmful?904 Words   |  4 PagesTo Vaccinate, or not to Vaccinate Vaccinations, do they protect or are they harmful? This is a question that every parent ponders when it is time to inject their children with medicines. Since vaccinations first began being administered in 1800s there have been those who protest them and those who stand behind them. It is a parents choice to have their children vaccinated or to opt out of vaccinations. A vaccine or immunization is a dose administered by either injection, orally or sometimes nasallyRead MoreWhy Children Should Be Vaccinated942 Words   |  4 Pagesvaccinate, has been a question many parents in America have been asking themselves for years. Some parents believe that it is their right to decide if their children will be vaccinated; while some states believe that all children should be vaccinated. There are logical and illogical reasons for this argument. There should be a federal law that requires parents to vaccinate their children because it will lower the number of deaths, benefit those children who have lower immune systems, and it can getRead MoreShould Vaccinations Be Mandatory For Children1358 Words   |  6 PagesShould Vaccinations Be Mandatory For Children in the United States? In the United States, the law states that vaccinations are required for children entering school unless they have a valid reason that prevents them from receiving the vaccinations. Starting when children are born, they begin the regimen of vaccinations that continue throughout their adolescent years and adulthood. Each year children receive a variation of shots to protect them from the illnesses they will encounter in the world

Monday, December 16, 2019

Cbest Essay Writing Topics - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesnt

Cbest Essay Writing Topics - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesn't Choosing Good Cbest Essay Writing Topics College application essay topics are an essential portion of an entertaining and compelling bit of writing. As tempting as it might appear to skip past the extra info and go right to the list of persuasive essay topics, don't do it. Some sample topics are given below. It follows that persuasive essay topics and analytical essay topics are the ones which you ought to be aiming for. If nobody knows the way to write or read cursive handwriting, the shape of communication is going to be lost, some believe. If you need assistance outlining, have a look at this report. You also need to know how to work with complex elements of grammar and speech. Your response shouldn't be longer than 300-400 words. Organize your points into various paragraphs, while ensuring the stream of the essay. The Birth of Cbest Essay Writing Topics For expository essays, exam candida tes will be supplied a statement. Paper-based scores take approximately 3 weeks. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. Most students have a tendency to decide on easy essay topics by talking about themselves, doing their very best to express their distinctive qualities and trying to stick out from the remainder of the pack. Cbest Essay Writing Topics Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, in addition to make sure you are getting the very best service our business can deliver. Some feel parents ought to be allowed to provide permission for their minor children to have tattoos, since they are making the decision for their own children. After discovering our website, you will no longer will need to bother friends and family with these kinds of requests. We'll deal with them, and for an affordable price, as we understand that students typically don't have plenty of money to spare. How ever, you can rest assured that you're getting a fine work for the price tag you're paying. It is possible to also acquire several discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. There's, obviously, a limit on the variety of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. The Hidden Truth About Cbest Essay Writing Topics Now, this doesn't indicate that you should avoid writing a brilliant story they feel is semi-revolutionary. Neither topic demands any advanced, specialized understanding. If you're likely to be writing this kind of essay over and over again, you want to comprehend how to compose a good one. That's a great deal of expository essay writing! Don't forget to look at your writing after you've finished. Your writing ought to be neat and legible. It should be in the first person (I). Introducing Cbes t Essay Writing Topics Other individuals think technology has improved the standard of life. Lots of people point to the additional pressures of everyday life as a main cause of depression. Technology is very much part of contemporary life. The Birth of Cbest Essay Writing Topics Our directory of absolutely free CBEST practice tests are given below. Studying for your test utilizing sample questions is among the absolute most efficient study practices it is possible to utilize. When the test day arrives you are going to have no surprises! When taking this part of the CBEST, it is very important to try to remember that it is a component of a bigger test. Our absolutely free CBEST sample tests offer you an opportunity to evaluate how well you're ready for the true test, then concentrate on the regions you will need work on. The free CBEST Writing practice test is specially designed to make certain that the test-taker is knowledgeable about the CBEST and has the ability to un derstand what things to expect when it's time to take the Writing part of the CBEST. Men and women argue fracking is a powerful approach to extract natural gas, but others argue it's too dangerous and is bad for the environment. So if one was planning to begin their career as an author by means of this medium, they may have to look elsewhere! Though some say no cost public transportation would assist the environment and decrease traffic, others think completely free public transportation is too pricey, and the government can't afford to cover it. Word problems on your basic skills test will require you to earn logical deductions depending on the info provided.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Creative Strategies in Social Media Marketing

Question: Discuss about the Creative Strategies in Social Media Marketing. Answer: Introduction The consumer behavior refers to the study of the individuals, community, groups and organization. Further consumer behavior describes the methods they use for selecting, securing, disposing and using the products, experience and services or the ideas to satisfy the needs and demands of people. In present days, most of the consumers prefer social media to buy products. Therefore, the online buying behavior of the consumers is growing day by day. In this assignment, the importance of the social media is discussed in brief. There are several types of social media like blogs, wikis, forum and social networking sites. Social media has a great influence on the buying behavior of the customers. This discussion tries to find out the buying intension of the customers and their attitudes. Solomon (2014) mentioned that the customers need to have trust on the online buying sites of the social media. Before buying the products, the customers need to do comparative research so that they not face any loss. Importance of social media in online buying Social media has a great impact on the online buying behavior of the consumers. According to Yadav et al. (2013), the internet shopping is growing faster in recent days. In Australia the rate of online buying is 87%, in Europe the rate is 85%, in North America it is 83%, in South America 81%, in Africa 53%. However, in Middle East the rat much lower than other countries, it is only 3.7% (Pyry, Parvinen Malmivaara, 2013). However, social media sites influence the consumer behavior of the innovation in the development and market efficiency. Consumers may face problems during using the online sites at the time of purchasing products and service. Consumers need to know the procedure of the online shopping at first otherwise they can face loss. Most of the people nowadays prefer social media for buying products and the social media has a great influence on it. The online shopping sites make agreement with the social media sites to promote their products, service and brand value. Types of social media Social network sits help people to get connected with others via the webpage and internet. In these pages, people can share their views and collect information. From these sites, people get idea of the online buying and come to know about various products and online sites. Blog refers to the online journals that provide information where people can share their personal view on the online buying. Wikis help people to add or delete information and it is a database, which helps to keep records. The information can be compared with other information that is found on the other sites. The online sites help people to shop by the social media. In those sites, people get ideas about the products and the expense of those products. Examples of such online sites are Amazon, Flipkart, Myntraa and Ebay. Internet forum is the message board or bulletin board, where people share their interest of their chosen topic. It is the biggest online social media site. Various forum members take participation in the online debates and can seek help or provide advice. Content communities This is the combination of podcasts and the social networks. People can get limited facilities from the site like sharing or posting music, videos, photos or bookmarks. It is the mini version of blogs. It provides various facilities like sharing messages and gives personal opinion. Some examples of micro blogs are Twitter, Google, LinkedIn and Tinder. However, people can tweet in tweet in Twitter but the limit of the message is 140 characters. Purchase intention and customers attitude The concern of the customer to purchase a particular product and take a particular service is known as the customer purchase intention. This depends on the variables that are internal and external factors. The cue, which triggers the buyers approaches to consider a brand or a product that can be included in the consideration set. The main purpose is to attract the consumers towards the products and increase the brand value. The product or service might satisfy some inclination of the buyers. For example, luxury car, mobile phones and electronic materials can be listed in this. Various brands expect much from their customer that they will buy the new products and therefore the brand value will increase with the customer loyalty. According to Schivinski and Dabrowski (2016), some consumers have emotional contact with brands that is they prefer to buy products from that particular brand. This increase the customer loyalty and brand equity. Recommendation: The customers can buy product from the online shopping sites. However, they need to consult with the experts before shopping from the social networking sites, which will help them in their shopping. In present days, the customers have trust on the social networking sites to buy products. This can include e-commerce which is based on the internet trust. Hajli (2014) mentioned that the main target is the consumers and the web vendor. The web vendors can be surveyed to know the perspective of the consumers and it will be easier to know the percentage of trust on the social media. However, this has two sub parts: trust intention and trust beliefs. The trust beliefs include the customers belief on the products and services that is given by the web vendors. Trust intention is the intention or chance of the customers to buy the products or services online. Hinz, Schulze and Takac (2014) concerned that trust of the customers on the social media can affect the purchase intention and purchase perceive of the customers. Moreover, the trust in the social media for purchasing products can affect the offline purchasing and therefore the brands can be affected. Comparative judgment Before shopping, the consumers should perform comparative judgment that is, they needs to check various social media sites as different sites offer different discounts. Consumers should check the sites thoroughly and gain knowledge about the online shopping. Ngai, Tao and Moon (2015) mentioned that from the social media, the purchasing rate of products are various: 65%- fashion, 27%- intangible (computer software, electronic products) and 8% other products. On the other hand, people are influenced by the various social media sites in case of online shopping. Approximately 45 percent consumers prefer to select Instagram for the shopping purpose. 51% prefer Facebook, which owns the highest rate to influence people to buy products via online shopping (Forbes, 2013). People choose online sites as the sites offer branded products in low price and the sites are very much trust worthy. Some people use twitter as the tool of online shopping. However, the rate of such users is very less only 3 percent. Technology acceptance model: The technology acceptance model refers to the information system theory, which states the acceptance of the service and technology. This will help to identify the buying behavior of the customers and the benefits of the social networking sites. Hollebeek, Glynn and Brodie (2014) opined that TAM model can work as the communication tool and internet technology that will help to check the purchasing behavior of the customers. However, the employees need to have the basic knowledge of technology and computer usage so that they can use TAM properly. Before using the technology, the instruction of user guide should be followed. Questionnaire can be formed to check the online behavior. However, the technology acceptance model identifies very successfully the online behavior of the consumer. Influence of social media Social media influence refers to the description of the ability of an individual that affect the thinking of other people in the online social community. Ashley and Tuten (2015) mentioned social media influence as a marketing term. There are various tools that can measure the influence of the social media. One of such tool is Klout that provide numerical score on the basis of the online activity of the individuals. The numerical score ranges from 1 to 100. A survey can be done to check the activity of people on the social networking site. Goh, Heng and Lin (2013) opined that some people use the social networking sites just for time pass; some use those sites to buy or purchase the products or ideas. Hutter et al., (2013) argued that Klout can be used to check the online activity of people only on the twitter. Therefore, new technologies or software should be developed to check the online activity of people on the other sites also. Conclusion It can be concluded from the above discussion that people are influenced by the social media. They are attracted very much by the discount offers and attractive presentation of products. Different consumers use different social networking sites for the online shopping. Therefore, the social sites become very popular day by day. Various tools and technologies can be used to check the online activity of people. However, survey can be conducted within the customers and web vendors to check the purchasing rate of people. People need basic knowledge during using the technology acceptance model. Before purchasing products people do market research and compare the different sites to get the best offer and service. People need to have the knowledge of online shopping that the social networking sites provide. Online shopping sites can make agreement with the social networking sites to promote their services and products that will help them to increase the brand value and customer loyalty. References Ashley, C., Tuten, T. (2015). Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement.Psychology Marketing,32(1), 15-27. Forbes, L. P. (2013). Does social media influence consumer buying behavior? An investigation of recommendations and purchases.Journal of Business Economics Research (Online),11(2), 107. Goh, K. Y., Heng, C. S., Lin, Z. (2013). Social media brand community and consumer behavior: Quantifying the relative impact of user-and marketer-generated content.Information Systems Research,24(1), 88-107. Hajli, M. N. (2014). A study of the impact of social media on consumers.International Journal of Market Research,56(3), 387-404. Hinz, O., Schulze, C., Takac, C. (2014). New product adoption in social networks: Why direction matters.Journal of Business Research,67(1), 2836-2844. Hollebeek, L. D., Glynn, M. S., Brodie, R. J. (2014). Consumer brand engagement in social media: Conceptualization, scale development and validation.Journal of interactive marketing,28(2), 149-165. Hutter, K., Hautz, J., Dennhardt, S., Fller, J. (2013). The impact of user interactions in social media on brand awareness and purchase intention: the case of MINI on Facebook.Journal of Product Brand Management,22(5/6), 342-351. Ngai, E. W., Tao, S. S., Moon, K. K. (2015). Social media research: Theories, constructs, and conceptual frameworks.International Journal of Information Management,35(1), 33-44. Oliver, R. L. (2014).Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer. Routledge. Pyry, E., Parvinen, P., Malmivaara, T. (2013). Can we get from liking to buying? Behavioral differences in hedonic and utilitarian Facebook usage.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,12(4), 224-235. Schivinski, B., Dabrowski, D. (2016). The effect of social media communication on consumer perceptions of brands.Journal of Marketing Communications,22(2), 189-214. Solomon, M. R. (2014).Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being(Vol. 10). Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Yadav, M. S., De Valck, K., Hennig-Thurau, T., Hoffman, D. L., Spann, M. (2013). Social commerce: a contingency framework for assessing marketing potential.Journal of Interactive Marketing,27(4), 311-323.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Michelangelos Tomb of Giuliano de Medici Research Paper Example

Michelangelos Tomb of Giuliano de Medici Paper Michelangelos Tomb of Giuliano de Medici One of the most famous artists ever known since the 16th century is a man by the name of Michelangelo Buonarroti.He has composed art that is both breathtaking and unmatched in such skills as painting, sculpture, architecture and poetry.Some of his most famous works of sculpture that he composed are standing in the Medici Chapel in Florence, Italy even today.I would like to speak of a particular piece contained in the Chapel entitled Tomb of Giuliano de Medici.First I would like to say a few words concerning Michelangelos financial status for materials and his visions for the figure. According to the book entitled, Michelangelo: The Complete Sculpture, Painting, and Architecture;Michelangelo was an aristocratic artist working for the pope and had a nearly unlimited budget in the 1520s.Michelangelo also had a legendary ability to judge the quality of a block of marble; it was even said that he could see the figure imprisoned in it.(Pg.213)I think that this quote from author, William E. Wallace, shows a very interesting background in Michelangelos finances and genius.He had made numerous life-size statues with handpicked blocks of marble.Wallace also states that some experts believe Michelangelos financial backing helped contribute to the beauty of his work.I was not sure how to take that comment atfirst, but after looking at many of Michelangelos sculptures, I think the fact that he was particular about the quality of block which was used shows that he was a master that wanted to depict figures that were unequivocally beautiful, muscular, and harmonious. The Tomb of Giuliano de Medici is an example of Michelangelos mastery of both muscular figures as well as composition.The piece was worked on from 1519 through 1534.The piece contains three figures. The elevated central figure in the pie

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Lenovo Case Study Essays

Lenovo Case Study Essays Lenovo Case Study Essay Lenovo Case Study Essay After maintaining market leadership in China for several years the company expanded into international markets in 2003, and in 2004 they signed on for two ambitious transactions; joining the Olympic Partner Program, an $80 million agreement that made Leno the exclusive provider of computing equipment and services for the Olympic games in 2006 and 2008, and a deal in which they acquired Vims Personal Systems Division. The former allowed Leno to have access to exclusive worldwide marketing opportunities; however It also presented them with the challenges and costs of using those opportunities effectively. In the IBM deal, Leno gained use of the IBM brand name (for up to five years), the well-established IBM Think-family products, and some difficult questions on how to move forward. Leno, with the acquisition of the IBM PC business, first had to come up with a plan that would raise awareness for the Leno brand name while capitalizing on the established brand MOM. Leno decided to go with a master brand strategy, focusing most of their efforts on building the Leno brand worldwide while also continuing to strengthen the Thinking product acquired through MOM. After deciding on their strategy, Leno then had to decide what its brand essence would become and viewed the competition In two types of business models; those who sold products tit little or no innovation and focused on Inventory turns, or those who focused on product Innovation and less on market share. To stay true to both Lenos and Vims innovative roots, as well as attempting to stay current In the evolving PC business, Leno decided to position themselves against competitors that focused on innovation such as Sony and Apple. Leno redesigned the Thinking in several ways, despite the risk of offending earlier Thinking users, which yielded much admiration from the press. Although the design f the new Thinking models had been accepted well, Leno wasnt getting the credit it wanted and raising awareness for the brand had become an issue. While the Olympics sponsorship was seen to be a positive event for the brands reputation they were not seen as being a motivator for purchase. Leno had spent $250 million on worldwide marketing In 2005, which in many major markets was distant from the leader In market share of voice. In 2006, Leno planned to Introduce a new brand of PCS worldwide known as the 3000 Family; targeted at the small business market, these new computers would be parcel equal to competitor companies sun as pm HP, a pricing strategy inconsistent with the premium Thinking brand. With low awareness among small business customers, Lenos market research showed that they had to ensure that the 3000 family had a unique, distinctive and attractive design. Problem The big question Leno is faced with is how they should differentiate themselves from the competition in the midst of their shrinking market share, with consideration or the Thinking brand and the introduction of the 3000 Family PC series. Recommendation Leno needs to be careful so as to not hurt the credibility of their master brand which they have spent time, money, and effort to create. With their earlier decision to use the Thinking brand to compete in the premium PC market against such brands as Apple and Sony, it is important for them to stay consistent with that message; however stretching their product category to include PCs which compete with companies in the other business model that includes competitors such as Dell and HP can help to gain market share. Leno has the option of staying consistent with its position as a premium provider of PCs and promoting the 3000 Family as such, however this would completely be missing the new series mark as a unique alternative for small business owners. Because of this Leno should position the 3000 Family and the Thinking brand separately as unique sub-products of Leno, so they can appeal to their respective categories and not tarnish each others equity. To do this, Lenos first priority in their marketing efforts needs to continue the enforcement of the master brand (Leno itself) as being a producer of high quality PCs that strives for innovation. Lenos point of differentiation is in its ability to create PCs for all types of users which will help segue into the differentiation between their sub-products. Leno should run individual advertising campaigns for the Thinking and 3000 Family products to distinguish their unique purposes; however, they both should maintain the unifying message of the master brand that connects them, highlighting Lenos versatility. They should continue to use the Thinking brand to compete on the higher-end level, positioning it with a message of premium quality and innovation; while positioning the 3000 Family series towards small business customers as reliable and durable machines. The goal of this strategy is to help Leno to be seen in the eyes of the consumer as a company that can create both innovative PCs that are of premium quality and PCs that are more affordable and reliable. In achieving this Leno would be able to compete in both categories, allowing them to turn their shrinking share of the market around.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Interesting and Strange Astronomy Facts

Interesting and Strange Astronomy Facts Even though people have studied the heavens for thousands of years, we still know relatively little about the  universe. While astronomers continue to explore, they learn more about the stars, planets, and galaxies in some detail and yet some phenomena remain puzzling. Whether or not scientists will be able to solve the mysteries of the universe is a mystery itself, but the fascinating study of space and all its many anomalies will continue to inspire new ideas and give impetus to new discoveries as long as humans continue to look up at the skies and wonder, Whats out there? Dark Matter in the Universe   Astronomers are always on the hunt for dark matter, a mysterious form of matter that cant be detected by normal means- hence its name. All of the universal matter that can be detected by current methods comprises only about 5 percent of the total matter in the universe. Dark matter makes up the rest, along with something known as dark energy. When people look at the night sky, no matter how many stars they see (and galaxies, if theyre using a telescope), theyre only witnessing a tiny fraction of whats actually out there. While astronomers sometimes use the term vacuum of space, the space that light travels through isnt completely empty. There are actually a few atoms of matter in each cubic meter of space. The space between galaxies, which was once thought to be quite empty, is often filled with molecules of gas and dust. Dense Objects in the Cosmos People also used to think that black holes were the answer to the dark matter conundrum. (That is, it was believed that the unaccounted for matter might be in black holes.) While the idea turns out not to be true, black holes  continue to fascinate astronomers, with good reason. Black holes are so  dense and have such intense gravity, that nothing- not even light- can escape them.  For example, should an intergalactic ship somehow get too close to a black hole and be sucked in by its gravitational pull face first,  the force on the front of the ship would be so much stronger than the force at the back, that the ship and the people inside would get stretched out- or elasticized like taffy- by the intensity of the gravitational pull. The result? No one gets out alive. Did you know that black holes can and do collide? When this phenomenon occurs between supermassive black holes,  gravitational waves  are released. Though the existence of these waves was speculated to  exist, they werent actually detected until 2015. Since then, astronomers have detected gravitational waves from several titanic black hole collisions.   Neutron  stars- the leftovers of the deaths of massive stars in supernova explosions- arent the same thing as black holes, but they also collide with one another. These stars are so dense that a glass full of neutron star material would have more mass than the Moon. As gargantuan as they are, neutron stars are among the fastest spinning objects in the universe. Astronomers studying them have clocked them at spin rates of up to 500 times per second. Whats a Star and What Isnt? Humans have a funny propensity to call any bright object in the sky a star- even when its not. A star is a sphere of superheated gas that gives off light and heat, and usually has some sort of fusion going on inside it. This means that shooting stars arent really stars. (More often than not, theyre just tiny dust particles falling through our atmosphere that vaporize due to the heat of friction with the atmospheric gases.) What else is not a star? A planet is not a star. Thats because- for starters- unlike stars, planets dont fuse atoms in their interiors and theyre much smaller than your average star, and while comets may be bright in appearance, theyre not stars, either. As comets travel around the Sun, they leave behind dust trails. When Earth passes through  a cometary  orbit and encounters those trails,  we see an increase in meteors (also not stars) as the particles move through our atmosphere and are burned up. Our Solar System Our own star, the Sun, is a force to be reckoned with. Deep inside the Suns core, hydrogen is fused to create helium. During that process, the core releases the equivalent of 100 billion nuclear bombs  every second. All that energy works its way out through the Suns various layers, taking thousands of years to make the trip. The Suns energy, emitted as heat and light, powers the solar system. Other stars go through this same process during their lives, which makes stars the powerhouses of the cosmos.   The Sun may be the star of our show but the solar system in which we live is full of weird and wonderful features as well.  For instance, even though Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, temperatures can drop to a frigid -280 ° F on the planets surface. How? Since Mercury has almost no atmosphere, theres nothing to trap heat near the surface. As a result, the dark side of the planet- the one facing away from the Sun- gets extremely cold. While its farther away from the Sun, Venus is considerably hotter than Mercury due to the thickness of Venus’ atmosphere, which traps heat near the surface of the planet. Venus also spins very slowly on its axis. One day on Venus is equivalent to 243 Earth days, however, Venuss year is only 224.7 days. Odder still, Venus spins  backward  on its axis as compared to the other planets in the solar system. Galaxies, Interstellar Space, and Light The universe is more than 13.7 billion years old and it is home to billions of galaxies. No one is quite sure exactly how many galaxies there are all told, but some of the facts we do know are pretty impressive. How do we know what we know about galaxies? Astronomers study the light objects emit for clues as to their origins, evolution, and age. Light from distant stars and galaxies takes so long to reach Earth that were actually seeing these objects as they appeared in the past. When we look up at the night sky, were in effect, looking back in time. The farther away something is, the farther back in time it appears. For instance, the Suns light takes almost 8.5 minutes to travel to Earth, so we see the Sun as it appeared 8.5 minutes ago. The nearest star to us, Proxima Centauri, is 4.2 light-years away, so it appears to our eyes as it was 4.2 years ago. The nearest galaxy is 2.5 million light-years away and looks the way it did when our Australopithecus hominid ancestors walked the planet. Over the course of time, some older galaxies have been cannibalized by younger ones. For example, the Whirlpool galaxy (also known as Messier 51 or M51)- a two-armed spiral that lies between 25 million and 37 million light-years away from the  Milky Way that can be observed with an amateur telescope- appears to have been through one galaxy merger/cannibalization in its past.   The universe is brimming with galaxies, and the most distant ones are moving away from us at more than 90 percent of the speed of light. One of the strangest ideas of all- and one thats likely to come true- is the expanding universe theory, which hypothesizes that the universe will continue to expand and as it does, galaxies will grow farther apart until their star-forming regions eventually run out. Billions of years from now, the universe will be made up of old, red galaxies (those at the end of their evolution), so far apart that their stars will be almost impossible to detect.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Introduction to Radio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Introduction to Radio - Essay Example Robert McLeash also asserts that the British radio is riven roughly 50/50 between radio stations owned and run by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and radio stations owned by commercial groups through license given by Ofcom. On the other hand, there are over two hundred stations owned and operated by the community, however, they are also licensed by Ofcom. MacLeash 2007 (14) also asserts that radio stations are characterized in the manner in which they are financed, and not by what they do. For instance, public service radio stations such as BBC operate under the terms of a Royal Charter and are funded by TV license fees. This fee is payable by people in the United Kingdom who watches live programming of television. The license fee is topped up by grants and revenues. On the other hand, commercial radio stations broadcasting in the United Kingdom are funded by payments made for advertisements. They broadcast on AM or FM via DTV, online and DAB (McLeish 2005, pp.13). The mod e of funding influences what is aired on these radio stations. This is explicated in the pressure faced by BBC to educate, be impartial, inform, as well as entertain since they rely on license fees. The first week also enabled us to learn the basics that an individual should know before embarking on recording of for radio or interviews. This is attributed to the fact that some background sounds such as wind, music or people talking in close range to the recording device can bring problems during editing. This is because they are difficult to edit out. In order to prove this point, we visited various locations within the university to ascertain that different reverberations have different effects on recording (Fleming 2002, pp.67). For instance, we visited two indoor and two outdoor locations in order to come up with the best neutral location and the best location with a background noise for recording an interview for radio. WEEK 2 Vox pop, an abbreviation of the Latin words vox popu li meaning ‘voice of the people’ is an extremely important source of news. In this type of news coverage, special researchers and news reporters go out into the streets with the intentions of seeking public views and opinions on matters of current public concern. They do this by asking thoughtful questions in order to: test public opinions and reactions, influence decision makers, stimulate public debate, forecast results of certain events, and promote a radio, newspaper or television station, among others (Crisell 1994, pp. 57). Vox pops have been used in the radio industry from the 1930s. It is also reported that in the initial decades of the 20th century, vox pops acted as a medium for the community to express their views. This is attributed to the fact that radio played an integral role in the community since it created a way for community members to provide, as well as receive opinion. In class we learnt how to make vox pop recordings. For instance, we were taught that questions should be asked with the recorder on pause; and that only responses given by the respondents’ should be recorded (Crisell 1994, pp. 69). Additionally, the responses should be put together in separate bands so that during compilation, the best answers should be at the beginning and at the end. In the middle of the vox pop, the responses should contain a mix up of opinions varying between female and male voices. WEEK 3 During this week we learnt how to edit the vox pops that we had made in the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Resource Management - Essay Example As an example, there is evidence from a number of countries that a unionized workplace will provide more training to employees than nonunionized workplace. There is also evidence that unions influence formalization in employee recruitment and selection. Workplaces under unions are more likely to employ a formal process to advertise job vacancies and apply more objective tests in selection. Probably, these human resource practices achieve efficiencies foregone by nonunionized companies considering their pursuit of extra objectives such as the desire to stay away from unions. Moreover, unions seem to boost the quantity and quality of voice environments in the firms (Verma, 2005). Union status has a positive relationship with worker voice and voice increases lower the rate of quitting responsibilities. From these observations, the general picture that comes out is one of unionized companies being more formal in adopting some human resource practices that produce efficiencies for HR mana gement. Such practices include employee training, employee voice, selection and recruitment, group incentive strategies such as gain-sharing plans. Therefore, evidence from practice and studies supports positive gains for unions in many areas of HR managerial practice. The positive contribution can well be understood when we consider the case of Wal-Mart and union issues. The megastore has fiercely opposed the unionization of its employees across all its stores. But, what has been the result for this opposition? For the last five years, the firm has been incurring great losses due to court cases involving HR practices which are ruled in favor of the employees. The firm has been accused of its biased practices when recruiting employees. An example of such cases is of an employee in New Jersey who accused a manager of harassing him after realizing his sex-orientation. The store was ordered to pay the employee $2 million. Apparently, the judgments suggest that the HR practices of the c ompany affect the efficiency of management leading to great loses. If the company’s workplace was unionized, it is true that such practices would be improved enabling the firm to counter the issues within individual stores. The firm would adopt HR policies that would improve the management as it responds to the pressures of unions. Paper two When compared with issues on pay and productivity, occupation health and safety receive secondary attention despite its importance to an organization. This is because the issue has indirect benefits to the organization unlike pay and productivity. Occupation health and safety issue is about promoting and maintain of physical, social and mental health of employees in all occupations as well preventing and protection of health effects resulting from their working conditions (Burke, Cooper & Clarke, 2011). This suggests that the issue has direct benefits to employees rather than the organization. In addition, organizations are aware that occ upation health and safety practices incur high cost either directly or indirectly. Naturally, the firms will not give high priority to issues that incur high costs, yet their benefits are not clearly stated. They would rather pursue those issues that add to profitability. On the other hand, issues like pay and productivity have direct benefits to organizations. If a company does not address pay problems, it becomes hard for it to attract and retain employees. By having the right people, the company is aware of high overall performance and profitability. Productivity is directly connected to profitability. Since many profit organizations seek to increase profitability, they would consider the issues that satisfy this desire first. Furthermore,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How to Identify a Target Market Essay Example for Free

How to Identify a Target Market Essay In this part of my P2 course work, I have been asked to identify the target market by preparing an information pack about the target market, for my potential investors and also make a good question for my business survey. Market Research Market Research is a systematic, objective collection and analysis of data about a particular target market, competition, and/or environment. It always incorporates some form of data collection whether it is secondary research (often referred to as desk research) or primary research which is collected direct from a respondent. Purpose of Market Research The purpose of any market research project is to achieve an increased understanding of the subject matter. With markets throughout the world becoming increasingly more competitive, market research is now on the agenda of many organisations, whether they are large or small. Market research is also one of the most important pieces to your marketing plan that will determine how you will speak with these customers, where to find them, how to best convert them into your customer and retain them as a customer. There are two types of market research 1. Primary research / Field 2. Secondary research / Desk Primary Research When marketers conduct research to collect original data for their own needs it is called primary research. This process has the marketer or someone working for the marketer designing and then carrying out a research plan. Primary research is also collected in a research â€Å"instrument† designed to record information for later analysis. Marketing researchers use many types of instruments from basic methods that record participant responses to highly advanced electronic measurement where research participants are connected to sophisticated equipment. Primary research also refers to information that is directly collected from the source. Another simple method of primary research would be to directly talk to your customers and get their feedback. Primary research can be both qualitative and quantitative. Method of primary research Questionnaire – Questionnaires are one the main tools in the use of field research. A questionnaire contains a series of questions which gather primary marketing research data for the business. A face-to-face questionnaire might include different questions to an emailed questionnaire. An interviewer will be filling in a face-to-face qu estionnaire and the person may be able to ask for the question to be rephrased if they do not understand it the first time. Online surveys- Increasingly popular and relatively low cost, online surveys are widely used by small businesses as a way of capturing the views of existing and potential customers. Face-to-face surveys Personal interviews conducted face-to-face is a costly, but good way to get detailed insights from an individual. Secondary Research Secondary research is a data that already exists and has been collected by someone else for another purpose. Secondary research involves the investigation of secondary sources of data. Sources of secondary data can come from within the firm itself – this is known as internal secondary data. External secondary data, on the other hand, is data that has been published by other organisations. Methods of secondary research Secondary Sources include journal articles, books, encyclopaedias, dictionaries, reviews, newspaper articles, specific essays, etc. Most research papers are based on secondary sources as they build on the research or studies others have done. Its usually published in pamphlets, newsletters, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers. Secondary sources include the following: * Public sources. These are usually free, often offer a lot of good information, and include government departments, business departments of public libraries, and so on. * Commercial sources. These are valuable, but usually involve cost factors such as subscription and association fees. Commercial sources include research and trade associations, such as Dun Bradstreet and Robert Morris Associates, banks and other financial institutions, and publicly traded corporations. * Educational institutions. These are frequently overlooked as valuable information sources even though more research is conducted in  colleges, universities, and technical institutes than virtually any sector of the business community. My name is Mba Nduka Amogu. I am a Business studies student at Whitefield. I would like to take a few minutes of your time by completing my questionnaire for my business studies course work about my business survey. 1. Are you male or female? Male Female 2. Which age range are you? Under 20 21-30 31-40 40-above 3. Do you live within this area? Yes No 4. Would you like to visit our fruit shops if provided? Yes No 5. If our new shops were available today, how likely would you be to visit instead of visiting other fruits shops currently available from other companies? Very Likely Moderately Likely Slightly Likely Not at all likely 6. If you are not likely to visit our shop why not? Do not like our services Satisfied with other competing fruits shops currently available Cannot pay for our services and products Not willing to pay or shop with us 7. How important is it convenient to you, when choosing our products? Extremely important Very important Moderately important Slightly important Not at all important 8. Overall are you satisfied with your experience, shopping with us? Extremely satisfied Moderately satisfied Slightly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Slightly dissatisfied Moderately dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied 9. If our new products were available today, how likely would you be to recommend it to other? Extremely Likely Very Likely Moderately Likely Slightly Likely Not at all likely 10. If our new service were available today, how likely would you be to use it instead of competing service currently available from other companies? Extremely Likely Very Likely Moderately Likely Slightly Likely Not at all likely 11. If you are not likely to use our new service, why not? Do not need a service like this Do not want a service like this Satisfied with competing service currently available Cannot pay for a service like this Not willing to pay for a service like this 12. How important is it convenient for you, when choosing a service this type of service? Extremely important Very important Moderately important Slightly important Not at all important 13. Overall are you satisfied with your experience using our new service? Moderately satisfied Slightly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Slightly dissatisfied Moderately dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied 14. If our new service were available today, how likely would you be to recommend it to others? Extremely likely Very likely Moderately likely Slightly likely Not at all likely 15. How often will you visit my shop if available, having different variety of fresh fruits and vegetables for sell? Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly In My questionnaire I interviewed a total of 20 people. Below displays the results of each question individually. 1. Are you male or female? * Male8 * Female12 2. Which age range are you? * Under 2010 * 21-305 * 31-403 * 40-above2 3. Do you live within this area? * Yes16 * No4 4. Would you like to visit my fruit shops if provided? * Yes12 * No8 5. If my new shop were available today, how likely would you be to visit instead of visiting other fruits shops currently available from other companies? * Very Likely6 * Moderately Likely5 * Slightly Likely4 * Not at all likely5 6. If you are not likely to visit my shop why not? * Do not like my services7 * Satisfied with other fruits shops currently available3 * Cannot pay for my services and products5 * Not willing to pay or shop with us6 7. How important is it convenient to you, when choosing my products? * Extremely important7 * Very important4 * Moderately important5 * Slightly important3 * Not at all important1 8. Overall are you satisfied with your experience, shopping with me? * Extremely satisfied9 * Moderately satisfied4 * Slightly satisfied3 * Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied0 * Slightly dissatisfied3 * Moderately dissatisfied1 * Extremely dissatisfied0 9. If my new products were available today, how likely would you be to recommend it to other? * Extremely Likely4 * Very Likely6 * Moderately Likely3 * Slightly Likely4 * Not at all likely4 10. If my new service were available today, how likely would you be to use it instead of competing service currently available from other companies? * Extremely Likely5 * Very Likely3 * Moderately Likely2 * Slightly Likely 7 * Not at all likely3 11. If you are not likely to use my new service, why not? * Do not need a service like this10 * Do not want a service like this 1 * Satisfied with competing service currently available 0 * Cannot pay for a service like this 2 * Not willing to pay for a service like this7 12. How important is it convenient for you, when choosing a service this type of service? * Extremely important13 * Very important3 * Moderately important2 * Slightly important1 * Not at all important1 13. Overall are you satisfied with your experience using my new service? * Moderately satisfied15 * Slightly satisfied0 * Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied1 * Slightly dissatisfied2 * Moderately dissatisfied1 * Extremely dissatisfied1 14. If my new service were available today, how likely would you be to recommend it to others? * Extremely likely10 * Very likely3 * Moderately likely2 * Slightly likely2 * Not at all likely3 15. How often will you visit my shop if available, having different variety of fresh fruits and vegetables for sell? * Daily15 * Weekly1 * Monthly2 * Quarterly3 1. The Gender of the people interviewed for my business surveys This pie chart shows the gender of people I interviewed for my business survey, which shows that 40 percent of them are male and 60 percent of them are female. 2. The age range for the people I interviewed for my business survey. This pie chart shows the age range for the people I interviewed for my business survey, which shows that 50 percent of the people I interviewed are under 20, 10 percent of them are 40 above, 15 percent of them are between 31 – 40 and 25 percent of them are between 21-30. 3. This is people that live and doesn’t live in that area but were interviewed by me for my business survey. This pie chart shows the people that live and doesn’t live in that area but they were still interviewed by me because of my business survey, which shows that 20 percent of the people I interviewed don’t live in this area and 60 percent of them live in this area. 4. Would you like to visit my fruits shops if provided? This pie chart show the amount of people who are willing to make a visit to my shops when they are provided and also people who are not willing to make a visit to my shop, which shows that 40 percent of the people I interviewed are not willing to visit my shop and 60 percent of them are willing to visit my shop. 5. If my new shop were available today, how likely would you be to visit instead of visiting other fruits shops currently available from other companies? This pie chart shows the range of people who are willing to make themselves regular customers to my shop and also visit my shop regularly, which shows that 30 percent of the people I interviewed are very likely to visit my shop, 25 percent of them are moderately likely, 20 percent of them are slightly likely and 25 percent of them are not likely at all to visit my shop. 6. If you are not likely to visit my shop why not? This pie chart shows the reasons about people who are not likely to visit my shop and why they are not likely to visit my shop, which shows that 33 percent of the people I interviewed do not like our service, 14 percent of them are just satisfied with other fruits shops currently available, 24 percent of them cannot pay for our service and products and 29 percent are not willing to pay or shop with us. 7. How important is it convenient to you, when choosing my products This pie chart show how important it is convenient for people when choosing my product, which shows that 35 percent of the people I interviewed said that my product are extremely important to them, 20 percent said it is very important to them, 25 percent said it is moderately important to them, 15 percent said it is slightly important to them and 5 percent said it is not important to them at all. 8. Overall are you satisfied with your  experience, shopping with me? This pie chart shows the overall rate of people who satisfied or dissatisfied with shopping with me, which shows that 45 percent of the people I interviewed are Extremely satisfied with shopping us, 20 percent of them are moderately satisfied, 20 percent are of them are moderately satisfied, 15 percent of them are slightly satisfied 0 percent of them are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 15percent of them are slightly dissatisfied, 5 percent of them are moderately dissatisfied and 0 percent are extremely dissatisfied. 9. If my new product were available today, how likely would you be to recommend it to others? This pie chart shows the people who are likely to recommend my product to others if it was available, which shows that 19 percent of the people I interviewed are extremely likely to recommend my products to others, 29 percent of them are very likely, 14 percent of them are moderately likely, 19 percent of them are slightly likely and 19 percent of them are not likely at all to recommend my product to others. 10. If my new service were available today, how likely would you be to use it instead of competing service currently available from other companies? This pie chart shows the people who are happy and likely to use my services, which shows that 25 percent of the people I interviewed are extremely likely to use my services instead of competing services from other companies, 15 percent of them are very likely to use my service, 10 percent of them are moderately likely to use my service, 35 percent of them are slightly likely to use my service and 15 percent of them are not likely at all to service my service provided. 11. If you are not likely to use my new service, why not? This pie chart shows people, who are not likely to use my service and why  they are not likely to use it. It shows that 50 percent of the people I interviewed do not need a service like this, 5 percent of them don’t want a service like this, 0 percent of them are satisfied with competing service currently available, 10 percent of them cannot pay for a service like this and 35 percent of them are not willing to pay for a service like this. 12. How important is it convenient for you, when choosing a service this type of service? This pie chart shows how important it is convenient for people when choosing this type of service, which shows that 65 percent of the people I interviewed, said that my service is extremely important to them, 15 percent of them said it very important, 10 percent of the said it is moderately important, 5 percent of them said it is slightly important, and 5 percent of them said that my service is not important to them at all. 13. Overall are you satisfied with your experience using my new service? This pie chart shows the overall rate of people who are satisfied or dissatisfied with my service, which shows that 75 percent of the people I interviewed are moderately satisfied with my service, 0 percent of them are slightly satisfied, 5 percent of them are slightly satisfied nor dissatisfied, 10 percent of them are slightly dissatisfied, 5 percent of them are moderately dissatisfied, and 5 percent of them are extremely dissatisfied with my service. 14. If my new service were available today, how likely would you be to recommend it to others? This pie chart shows the people who are likely to recommend my new service to others if it was available, which shows that 50 percent of the people I interviewed are extremely likely to recommend my new service to others, 15 percent of them are very likely, 10 percent of them are moderately likely, 10 percent of them are slightly likely, and15 percent of them are not likely at all to recommend my new service to others if available. 15. How often will you visit my shop if available, having different variety of fresh fruits and vegetables for sell? This pie chart shows the total amount of people who are willing to visit my shop daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly, which shows that 71 percent of the people I interviewed are happy to visit my shop daily, 5 percent of them are happy to visit my shop weekly, 10 percent of them are happy to visit my shop monthly and 14 percent of them are happy to visit my shop quarterly. My Target Market My Market target is for the children, Tourist and adults to be aware of the current advice of five portions of eating different fruits and vegetables a day. Because fewer of us know that five portion should come from a variety of sources every day, so that they gain the maximum benefit from fruit, eat it fresh and if the skins are edible, eat them too and also help people balance their vegetable intake between the orange/red and green varieties. Conclusion In this part of my P2 Coursework, I have identified my target market by doing a market research for my business and preparing a questionnaire for my business survey to get people reactions towards my business.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Free Essays - The Seven Commandments of Animal Farm :: Animal Farm

The Seven Commandments of Animal Farm The Seven Commandments are the basic principles of animalism worked out by the pigs and described originally as "unalterable laws" by which the animals were to live. The Seven Commandments were written on the barn wall for all animals to see and read if they could. The original Commandments are: 1. Whatever goes on two legs is an enemy. 2. Whatever goes on four legs, or has wings, is a friend. 3. No animal shall wear clothes. 4. No animal shall sleep in a bed. 5. No animal shall drink alcohol. 6. No animal shall kill any other animal. 7. All animals are equal. Almost immediately after the Commandments are written the cows have to be milked. The milk they produce is taken by the pigs exclusively so the seventh Commandment seems to be undermined from the very beginning. When the pigs also start claiming the windfall apples, Squealer explains that they are not taking them as privilege but because science has shown that milk and apples are necessary for the pigs' "brain work". This at least satisfies the animals that they are equal to the pigs but it does not fool the reader. The first two Commandments are subtly broken in the first years of Animal Farm but there is no attempt to rewrite them. Snowball, the hero of the Battle of the Cowshed, becomes an enemy of the farm after his expulsion by Napoleon, while the resumption of trade via Mr Whymper causes some discussion but, as Squealer points out, trade was not banned in writing and Mr Whymper is not treated as a friend. The first alteration to the Commandments comes after the pigs move back into the farmhouse. The ban on sleeping in beds is changed in Napoleon's favour by the addition of the words "with sheets". At this point in the history of the farm the pigs do not quite have enough power to do what they like and Squealer is forced to change the Commandments to fit new circumstances. But sleeping in beds is a minor matter compared to murder, and the next alteration to the Commandments is far more shocking. After the failures of the winter and the collapse of the first windmill, the pigs use Snowball as scapegoat.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Promote communication in health and social care setting Essay

  Identify the different reasons why people communicate when working in a care setting communication is a key factor, you need to be able to communicate with a wide range of people such as service users, families and/or carers, other members or staff and management, you will also have to come into contact with other professional from time to time such as; doctors, nurses and social workers. Communication is the basis of all relationships, regardless of weather the relationships are personal or professional, and regardless of the nature of the communication. see more:explain how children and young people use communication methods in different ways Reasons why people communicate Explain how communication affects relationship within the work setting Communication affects relationships in many different ways in the work setting. Relationships are important and relationships are built of trust and understanding between people makes it easier to get things done. The benefits of effective communication in the workplace are that it is:- A happier, less-frustrating workplace experience. Frees up employees to focus on other more productive activities. An increase in satisfaction from workplace activities and workplace relationships. An increase in productivity can lead to an increase in pay, promotion, and prestige The key relationships are with the people that I support. The skills that I have learned as a care assistant will help me to build relationships and this will be important to ensure that the right outcomes are met, for example somebody may have identified that they would require support in their lives and they need to sure that the people they are working with are honest and trustworthy. Read more:  Describe the Different Ways That People Communicate Relationships with colleagues and other professionals are vital if people are to work together effectively. Showing respect for the work that other professionals undertake is an essential building block of a good professional relationship. It is important to take the time to find out what other people do and think about what you could learn from them, and remember that everybody makes a contribution. Demonstrate how to establish the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals. All relationships start through communication, when providing support for people you must ensure that you are a good communicator. You will have to gain an understanding of messages that are being communicated from others and be able to communicate back when you’re not always able to use words. When you first meet somebody and talk to them you would usually be using two language systems to enable communication and thy will be verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbal communication: is when we communicate our message verbally to whoever is receiving the message. Nonverbal communication: is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. Such messages can be communicated through gesture, body language or posture, facial expression and eye contact. Body language is very important when you communicate as it affects the way people interoperated what you are trying to say. Effective communication requires you to have the ability to understand you’re own and other peoples non verbal behavior. Your body often sends messages to other people unintentially. Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication When people communicate they tend to take notice of somebody’s tone of voice and facial expressions first other than what is actually being said. As a care assistant being able to understand the factors that contributes to good communication is very important as this will allow me to gain an understanding of every service user and also be able to tell if anything is affecting them or causing them upset or pain. Demonstrate a range of communication methods and styles to meet individual needs. There are many different ways to communicate and ensuring that you are using the right level and type of language is very important to ensuring that you are being understood fully. Communicating with people may not always be about speaking or even non-verbal communication, you can communicate in a wide of different ways these are:- Email audio (speaking, singing) telephone conversation texting using a mobile (short messages) visual (seeing pictures, slides, artwork, written words) kinesthetic (teaching someone by showing them how to do something, hands-on instruction, texture) face-to-face vs. long distance   Interperators (if you are trying to communicate with somebody who’s language you do not speak) technological (some people prefer reading books, other prefer reading them via electronic screen) Demonstrate how to respond to an individual’s reaction when communicating A response during communication is important for the communication to take place. If someone is talking to you and you are not responding, it is difficult for communication to take place. When you respond to someone, it shows that you are listening to them, which then shows that you understand what they are saying and are interpreting it correctly. However, the response doesn’t need to be verbal. A simple nod can even be considered communicating, as long as both participants are aware of each other and understand what is being said. When communicating it is important to remember that when communicating you can often learn as much by observing as by what you hear. It is important to learn to listen with your eyes. An important part of responding appropriately to communication is recognizing when people are distressed and know how to deal with it. It is importing to have an understanding of the effects of emotions, as they can often be an indicator of a potentially highly charged or dangerous situation. There are some general indications that a person is becoming distressed and these can be obvious to see:- i. breathing patterns ii. excessive sweating iii. face and neck become red and flushed iv. body language v. eyes for example pupils dilate vi. change in facial expressions vii. change in tone of voice for example voice may become raised Explain how people from different backgrounds may used and /or interpreter communication methods in different ways When you are first communicating with somebody it is important to find out about communication issues the person you are communicating with. You can discover a great deal about possible communication issues by simply observing somebody’s behavior. Observation should be able to establish What language is being used If the person is experiencing any hearing or visual impairment If they have any physical illness or disability If they have any learning disabilities Any of these issues could have a huge affect on how well we communicate and can allow you to put steps in place to help communicating easier. Identify barriers to effective communication Hearing Impairment- A service user that has a hearing impairment in one or both ears. Visual sight- A service user that has no visual sight or poor vision or sight in one eye. Disability/learning difficulties- A service user that might have a condition that might stop them from communicating effectively and might need visual aids to help them communicate. Learning and speech impediment- A service user that finds it hard to communicate through speech and gets frustrated because they are not understood. 0ther languages (cultural backgrounds or English as an additional language)- you may need an interpreter or find other means of communicating with service user that do not speak English. Different family background personality. Demonstrate ways to overcome barriers to communicate Physical barriers Physical and environmental factors can cause problems when we communicate. When you are communicating it is important to consider the surrounding that you are in when you’re communicating, for example people find it difficult to talk in noise and crowded places. Understand what could be barriers to communication can allow myself to ensure that communicating id done effectively these could be:- Hearing loss Physical disability Visual impairment Learning disability Dementia Language differences Distress Demonstrate how to access extra support or services to enable individuals to communicate efficiently. If I am having any communication problems with a service user I would seek advice straight away as the longer I leave It the longer the problem will take to get resolved. Also the service user may become upset and frustrated and this can cause more barriers when communicating. The person I would go to first is my organiser and if they are unable to resolve the problem they will get in touch with people who can. These could be:- Translation services- can help with changing written txt from one language to another. Interpreter services – they convert spoken language from one to another. Speech and language services- support for people who have had a stroke or have problems with speech. Advocacy service- support people who are unable to speech for themselves. This service try’s to understand the needs and wishes of people and will argue on their behalf. Explain the meaning of the term confidentiality Within the care sector there are legal requirement under the data protection act 1998 to ensure that all records are confidential. This act gives people the right to see all the information recorded about them weather it’s their medical records or the social service file. Confidentiality means keeping all information with the work place safe and only be passed on where there is a clear right and need to do so if it could cause half to an individual. Confidentiality is an important right to everybody and it is very important as a care assistant to remember this as because service users might not trust a care assistant who can not keep things private additionally by breaking confidentiality you may be putting service users at risk if their personal details get out for example home address. All service users records will be kept in a locked office and they will also be kept on the computer which will be password protected and there will be policies on record keeping within the office place. Demonstrate ways to maintain confidentiality in day to day communication. The principle of confidentiality is about trust and confidence that people might have in care workers. Care workers need to ensure that they do not discuss one person who you support with another person that you also support. The most common way in which confidentially is breached is by people talking about work issues with family and friends. It is done very easy and very tempting to discuss the days events especially if you have had a stress full and it is often therapeutic. But by doing this if you don’t keep peoples details confidential and anonymous this could break confidentiality. Every organisation will have policies on confidentiality and the disclosure of information. As a care assistant it is important that I know where the policies can be found and what information is in the policies.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Blah, Blah, Blah

Writers block has always been an issue for not only authors but also for average Joes like me. It can be difficult to do any kind of writing when you are chained by your own mind. This is an immense issue because authors cannot develop ideas to put them into action on the page. Although there are many ways that writers do away with writers block, the best solution for is to take a pen to paper and just start letting ideas flow randomly onto the page so that your mind can break free. This solution is called free writing.Free writing is not only good for unblocking your mind, but also to keep your thoughts on the page so that you can keep your soul at peace. The idea behind free writing is that you must keep your pen to paper the whole duration of the writing session. Usually free write sessions are short, to get thoughts flowing before working on traditional piece. If you are not able to come up with a next word just write â€Å"blah, blah, blah† until something clicks. This ma kes it so that the writer must not pause to think of his next word, which keeps this form of writing completely free from thought interruption making it all from your heart.Traditional writing is when you have structure behind the piece of work and it must comply with standard grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This can impede with natural creativity by making a maze that you must find your way through in order to complete your piece of work. So many authors have trouble expressingtheir ideas and thoughts on a page when society tells them that they have to oblige by these rules. An example of the loops a writer has to jump through in order to complete their work is the assignment sheet of guidelines for this paper. This document goes over the â€Å"correct† way to write a problem-reducing essay.The grade you receive on this essay is determined by how well you can follow these guidelines. This is impeding on natural creative juices and contains them into a cage like a wild an imal at the zoo. You have to stretch these limitations as much as possible in order to show this animal a glimpse of sunlight. There are many ways in which writers try to free themselves of the â€Å"curse† of writers block. One way is to look for inspiration in others works and to take that into your own work. This method can be very helpful; however, it can also take away from true creativity and development of your own ideas.Another way to do away with writers block is to take a break from your work and come back at a later time when your mind is refreshed and collected. Taking a break can be very affective, but can also aid in losing thought processes. With free writing you can continue with your work and keep thoughts stirring in your mind at the same time. After the free writing session is completed you can go back and alter it into a more traditional style work. An example of a free write that I have composed is below: Thinking. Why do we live this way? Why are the peo ples of the earth filled with hate? Hate for others, hate for creation.Why do we feel the need to judge? Why do we ignore the dying world? Ignore the damage we have caused. Just living out our day-to-day lives. Driving our trucks, wasting energy, destroying the earth. The oceans will seize to exist as they are. Children die every day from starvation. Human trafficking is on the rise. Billions of people live in poverty. So what can be done to fix this? How can we start toward a better world? Where is the love? The truly great thing with free writing is that you can write in any style you choose, finding the best way to get thoughts stirring and on the page.As you can see in the work above, I have chosen poetry to get my thoughts on the page and this is the best way for me to express myself. Any one person can have a different way of expression in writing. The limitations brought by society can challenge this expression, but by free writing you can open up and do away with writers blo ck. Now some might believe free writing as a poor method of reducing writers block because it entails that you must write non-stop for a set period of time. This could be seen as a waist of valuable time. Some writers, such as newspaper reporters have a tight schedule of which to complete a work. Although could be true, a writer must explore all possibilities of breaking down mental walls.Works Cited Contrast, By. â€Å"A Critic at Large: Blocked. † The New Yorker. 17 Nov. 2010. Web. 17 Nov. 2010. . â€Å"Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg, An On Writing Reader's Treasury Review by Bobby Matherne. † Doyletics — A Memory Technique To Improve the Quality of Your Life. Web. 17 Nov. 2010. . â€Å"Writing Tips  « Writers Workshop: Writer Resources  « The Center for Writing Studies, Illinois. † The Center for Writing Studies, University of Illinois. Web. 17 Nov. 2010. .

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Theodor Geisel

Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, often used children’s stories such as The Lorax, The Sneetches, and Yertle the Turtle to symbolize the problems and prejudices in society. As he showed us the problems and he also provided ways for us to overcome them. Theodor Geisel was born March 2, 1904, to Theodor Robert and Henrietta Seuss Geisel in Springfield, Massachusetts. At a very early age, Theodor Geisel developed a talent that would make him very famous later in his life. He developed a strange and unrealistic style of drawing which came about by doodling on his school books. After attending high school at Central High School in Springfield, he decided to further his education at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. While attending Dartmouth, he edited and contributed cartoons to the campus humor magazine. After graduating from Dartmouth College with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English, he went on to write columns for the Springfield Union for a few months. Soon after college, he started graduate work in English literature at Lincoln College, Oxford University in England at which he stayed for one year. After returning from Oxford University, he began his career. In 1927, he sold cartoons to magazines such as Judge, Liberty, and Vanity Fair. While working for different magazines, McCann-Erickson, an advertising agency, saw his work and assigned him to an account. He worked for McCann-Erickson for more than a decade, during which he created humorous campaigns featuring bizarre animals. In 1931, he illustrated for Viking Press. In 1932, he wrote and illustrated his own book, but he could not find a publisher. For almost four years, Geisel did nothingthat is until 1937. In 1937, Geisel wrote, And To Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street. After the success of that book, he wrote, The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins in 1938. In 1939, he began a relationship with Random House Publishing and wrote The Seven Lady God... Free Essays on Theodor Geisel Free Essays on Theodor Geisel Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, often used children’s stories such as The Lorax, The Sneetches, and Yertle the Turtle to symbolize the problems and prejudices in society. As he showed us the problems and he also provided ways for us to overcome them. Theodor Geisel was born March 2, 1904, to Theodor Robert and Henrietta Seuss Geisel in Springfield, Massachusetts. At a very early age, Theodor Geisel developed a talent that would make him very famous later in his life. He developed a strange and unrealistic style of drawing which came about by doodling on his school books. After attending high school at Central High School in Springfield, he decided to further his education at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. While attending Dartmouth, he edited and contributed cartoons to the campus humor magazine. After graduating from Dartmouth College with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English, he went on to write columns for the Springfield Union for a few months. Soon after college, he started graduate work in English literature at Lincoln College, Oxford University in England at which he stayed for one year. After returning from Oxford University, he began his career. In 1927, he sold cartoons to magazines such as Judge, Liberty, and Vanity Fair. While working for different magazines, McCann-Erickson, an advertising agency, saw his work and assigned him to an account. He worked for McCann-Erickson for more than a decade, during which he created humorous campaigns featuring bizarre animals. In 1931, he illustrated for Viking Press. In 1932, he wrote and illustrated his own book, but he could not find a publisher. For almost four years, Geisel did nothingthat is until 1937. In 1937, Geisel wrote, And To Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street. After the success of that book, he wrote, The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins in 1938. In 1939, he began a relationship with Random House Publishing and wrote The Seven Lady God...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

French Verb Conjugations for Augmenter

French Verb Conjugations for Augmenter Augmenter  is a French verb that means to increase, to raise, or to rise. Its a very useful word to know and its a rather simple on to conjugate to fit the present, future, and past tenses. Follow along in this lesson to learn all these conjugations, including the past participle, subjunctive, and imperative forms of  augmenter. Conjugating the French Verb  Augmenter Verb conjugations are a little more complex in French than they are in English. We understand that an English verb with an -ed ending implies the past tense and an -ing is used for the present tense. In French, there are more endings to learn because the verb must match the subject pronoun as well. Augmenter  is a  regular -ER verb. In the conjugations, it follows a particular pattern for the new endings. These same transformations can be found in similar verbs like  attraper  (to pick up) and  complà ©ter  (to complete), making these among the easiest to memorize. Using the chart, you can quickly figure out which verb form you need. Simply match the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense. For instance, I increase is jaugmente and we will rise  is nous augmenterons. Subject Present Future Imperfect j' augmente augmenterai augmentais tu augmentes augmenteras augmentais il augmente augmentera augmentait nous augmentons augmenterons augmentions vous augmentez augmenterez augmentiez ils augmentent augmenteront augmentaient The Present Participle of  Augmenter The  present participle  of augmenter  is augmentant.  This is done with a simple change from the -er  ending to an  -ant  ending. Not only is it a verb, but you can use it as an adjective, gerund, or noun in some circumstances. The Past Participle and Passà © Composà © The  past participle  of augmenter  is augmentà ©. You will need this to form the commonly used past tense known as  passà © composà ©.   To form the conjugations, use the appropriate form of avoir,  which is an  auxiliary, or helping verb. For example, I rose is jai augmentà © and we increased is  nous avons augmentà ©. Notice how  avoir  has been conjugated to match the subject, but the same past participle is used in both phrases. More  Augmenter  Conjugations There may be times when you will need to use the following verb forms of  augmenter. The subjunctive and conditional are rather common and imply a certain degree of uncertainty in the action. Its likely that you will only encounter the passà © simple or imperfect subjunctive in formal writing. Yet, its good to be able to recognize and associate these forms with  augmenter. When using  augmenter  in imperative verb form, there is no need to include the subject pronoun. This is implied within the verb itself and these are used in short statements. Rather than nous augmentons, you can say augmentons.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Are we too dependent on computers Research Paper

Are we too dependent on computers - Research Paper Example Used in controlling and sequencing operations in a computer are the control and sequencing units respectively. Since its invention, the computer has caused hitherto unimagined changes in the nature of man’s life. In fact, computers are today required and used in almost all professions and spheres of life known to man. Among the uses of a computer include internet, desktop publishing, digital video and audio composition, in medication and diagnosis, mathematical calculations, e-learning, ATMs, media, and business (Stokes, 2007). The other fields in which computers are extensively used are the aviation industry, sports, and weather analysis. From these applications of computers, it is apparent that almost all spheres of life are affected by the computer. It may thus be asserted without fear of contradiction that computers have pushed the society into hitherto unfathomed levels of proficiency and efficiency. In fact, computers are currently leading the human mission to eradicate social problems such as illiteracy and poverty, making it rather difficult fro people to envisage what a world bereft of computers would look like (Ifrah, 2001). This paper explores the assertion that people are too dependent on computers. Despite the myriad advantages and benefits of computers, the evident overuse of computers by man in almost all spheres of life has been decried given that this overdependence has caused numerous negative health and social problems that future researches should focus on. Despite the fact that it has made work and life easier and more enjoyable to some extent, opinions differ on the extent to which man depends on the computer and the positive and negative impacts of this overdependence on computer and related technologies. Generally, computers are regarded as rather helpful tools for saving time at workplace and at study. For instance, in a school environment, computers may help a student save on time by cancelling out the need to visit libraries or