Tuesday, November 5, 2019

French Verb Conjugations for Augmenter

French Verb Conjugations for Augmenter Augmenter  is a French verb that means to increase, to raise, or to rise. Its a very useful word to know and its a rather simple on to conjugate to fit the present, future, and past tenses. Follow along in this lesson to learn all these conjugations, including the past participle, subjunctive, and imperative forms of  augmenter. Conjugating the French Verb  Augmenter Verb conjugations are a little more complex in French than they are in English. We understand that an English verb with an -ed ending implies the past tense and an -ing is used for the present tense. In French, there are more endings to learn because the verb must match the subject pronoun as well. Augmenter  is a  regular -ER verb. In the conjugations, it follows a particular pattern for the new endings. These same transformations can be found in similar verbs like  attraper  (to pick up) and  complà ©ter  (to complete), making these among the easiest to memorize. Using the chart, you can quickly figure out which verb form you need. Simply match the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense. For instance, I increase is jaugmente and we will rise  is nous augmenterons. Subject Present Future Imperfect j' augmente augmenterai augmentais tu augmentes augmenteras augmentais il augmente augmentera augmentait nous augmentons augmenterons augmentions vous augmentez augmenterez augmentiez ils augmentent augmenteront augmentaient The Present Participle of  Augmenter The  present participle  of augmenter  is augmentant.  This is done with a simple change from the -er  ending to an  -ant  ending. Not only is it a verb, but you can use it as an adjective, gerund, or noun in some circumstances. The Past Participle and Passà © Composà © The  past participle  of augmenter  is augmentà ©. You will need this to form the commonly used past tense known as  passà © composà ©.   To form the conjugations, use the appropriate form of avoir,  which is an  auxiliary, or helping verb. For example, I rose is jai augmentà © and we increased is  nous avons augmentà ©. Notice how  avoir  has been conjugated to match the subject, but the same past participle is used in both phrases. More  Augmenter  Conjugations There may be times when you will need to use the following verb forms of  augmenter. The subjunctive and conditional are rather common and imply a certain degree of uncertainty in the action. Its likely that you will only encounter the passà © simple or imperfect subjunctive in formal writing. Yet, its good to be able to recognize and associate these forms with  augmenter. When using  augmenter  in imperative verb form, there is no need to include the subject pronoun. This is implied within the verb itself and these are used in short statements. Rather than nous augmentons, you can say augmentons.

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