Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Young people 's attitude to health (young people who eat McDonald's Essay

Young people 's attitude to health (young people who eat McDonald's more than once a week do not care about their health) - Essay Example nald's more than once a week. The researcher has used two separate hypothesis regarding health awareness and hedonic value drivers of eating in fast food restaurants in order to develop research problems. As research methodology, the researcher has used triangulation approach in order to address the research problem in robust manner. Close ended questionnaire and open ended interview were used in order to collect the data. On the basis of data analysis, influence of hedonic value drivers on fast food consumption of young people has been identified but the study has failed to find any significance of the primary hypothesis: â€Å"Young people who eat McDonald's more than once a week do not care about their health†. It is not the fact that the research paper has only the academic value of fulfilling gap in the literature but the research findings will also have commercial value such as, findings of the research can be used by fast-food marketers to decide their marketing strateg y. Chapter 1: Research Background In the last couple of years, fast food industry has witnessed phenomenal growth in terms of both value and volume across different countries. Ali, Kapoor and Moorthy (2010) found that demand for fast food among customers have increased due to three reasons, 1- convenience for customers to consume fast food in quick succession in contrast to waiting in long queue to dine out in traditional restaurants, 2- fast foods are low cost food offerings which can satisfy the hunger of consumer without costing them huge chunk of money in contrast to dining in posh restaurants and 3- while consuming fast food, consumers often pass through health-indulgence antinomy which helps them to establish trade-off between immediate gratification and prophylactic reward. According to Ali, Kapoor and Moorthy (2010), children, adolescents, young people and working professional are the prime target market for fast-food marketers like McDonald, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Pi zza Huts, Domino’s, US Pizza etc. Anand (2011) and Ali, Kapoor and Moorthy (2010) identified reasons why fast-food marketers target young people and the identified reasons can be summarized as, 1- income of young people is low as compared to adults, therefore they show the preference for low cost fast-food items in contrast to high end food items, 2- young people prefer to eat out in fast food joints with friends due to convenience, 3- health consciousness among young people regarding the ill effects of fast foods is less as compared to young people and 4- young people prefer to indulge themselves in fast-food experience in order to satisfy hedonic value. Now the question is whether eating fast-food offered fast-food marketers like McDonald, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Pizza Huts, Domino’s, US Pizza has only benefits or there is presence of dark side of the story? The answer is yes and health related issues regarding fast-food consumption among people are central the me of the research paper. Consideration of the research works of Ritzer (2001) and Williams (2006) reveals the fact that periodic and frequent consumption fast food can lead to multiple health problems such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancers. Ali, Kapoor and Moorthy (2010) found a direct link between growing obesity among young people

Monday, February 3, 2020

Unforgiven as an anti-wester western Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Unforgiven as an anti-wester western - Essay Example They are particularly interested in fulfilling their objective of no- interference from getting money. This portrays the westerners as men of leisure. Their motivation is self-centered, fulfilling their calling that was to accomplish their mission of killing the Cowboys. Although, to some extent, a material gain can be viewed as secondary in the film, Munny is in need of money. Apart from the farm, he has a family to support. His passion is no longer gun fighting. Munny has â€Å"abandoned that life and only returns to it for what life can offer him, an opportunity to make a fresher start with his family† (David, 49). He gives Beauchamp an account of the story. In the process, he relates what he believes to be a western hero. According to him, accuracy and coolness of head, rather than speed, make a western hero. This makes the film anti- westerners since there are revenge and mistreatment of women. , also personal gain among individual that their primary objective is to get money (David, 33) The Beauchamp is also painted as lonely and somehow melancholy (Kamir, 95). Munny faces Little Bill as well as his disputes singlehandedly, which is quite usual in the western. However, their loneliness is not imposed on them by their situations. Rather, it belongs to them intimately and testifies to their completeness. At the beginning of the movies, Munny has two partners (David, 32). They somehow leave him as results of the film’s narratives developments. Both the Kid and Ned abandon the gunfighter lifestyle. Munny to some extends ends up alone since that is what required by the genre, lonely hero. The film also concerns the generic convention of the Western The film can be witnessed as a version of the west which conforms to heroic modern lives done by most westerns (David, 53). It poetry’s a west that is modernized after losing all its wildness, to the point of reconcilability. Apparently, these changes appear